Thursday, November 14, 2013

Not so Bemused on this One!

     I’m choosing the Bemused Citizen and his commentary A Desperate Cry for Reason. Well written and articulated, it is obvious that Jonathan is not bemused in his feeling for what is taking place at our Nation’s Capital and rightly so.  Jonathan makes a point on how these representatives get to Washington and become everything we did not vote them in office for.  How the corruption of their position consumes their integrity and our voice is sold out to the highest bidder.

     I appreciate and share his optimism with the knowledge that there are, indeed a few out there who will rise above the corruption. I agree that all that is needed is for the elected to listen to the voices of the individuals who seated them in their office and to remember from where they themselves once stood.

    What has happened to patriotism, to the American dream and to our Nations standing that all other countries once envied.  Jonathan is right, although tarnished, America can and will become great again and it will do so by American Patriots such as the Bemused Citizen.

     Thank you Jonathan for sharing your opinion.

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